Knowledge is the way out of any challenges of life anyone may be going through; interesingly as long as you are alive you will have one. In this article i have written how fear can be a reason for the challenge of marital delay you may be going through, the effects and the way out.
Brian Tracy the reputable contemporary management philosopher sees fear as, “Fantasized Experience Appearing Real.” That is to say that fear is nothing. Fear is a myth. It is a fathom of the mind. John Milton says of the mind, “It (mind) in its place and in itself can make a heaven of hell, or a hell of heaven.” Fear is indeed a smoke that holds no substance in itself, yet it chokes. And when its victim yields to it, it assumes the character of the Arabian Jinni a smoke that grows and crystallizes into a monster and consumes the afraid.
Some singles are afraid because of the negative experiences they have seen- that of their parents, relatives, etc. Due to this, they open up to fear that affects their decision to settle down in marriage.
§ Delay in making a decision- Just as faith comes by hearing positive information, fear also comes by hearing the voice of men and negative experiences. Some singles are not yet married because they were fed with fear building words about the consequences of choosing the wrong partner, so they become too careful in making a decision on who to get married to, and in the end suitors who are suitable for them end up moving on because of the inability to make up their mind.
§ The possibility of making the mistakes they are afraid of is high- Singles who are fearful are prone to making the mistakes they are afraid of. Job said, “I was afraid that something terrible might happen to me. And that was what happened! The things l feared most happened to me”(Job 3: 25). Bob Buess wrote, 2“If there is a great fear deep down inside, deal with it now. It will soon come out and be your ‘water loo’.”
§ Demonic oppression- It is so easy for the devil to oppress singles that are given to fear, and since fear is negative faith, it permits the devil to operate in their lives. Bob Buess wrote, 3“You can yield to joy and faith at any moment and enjoy the victory, or you can yield to fear and see satan make havoc of your life.”
The way out
§ Fear not- Bible scholars have said that there are three hundred and sixty six “fear not” in the Bible. I believe that the Lord permitted this because everyday, there will be something that will want to cause you to be afraid. There will be problems that if you focus on, will create fear in your heart. Bob Buess wrote, 4“Circumstances demand that you fear. Jesus demands that you ignore the circumstances.” In the area of marriage, the rate of marital failures around you may make you afraid, but Jesus demands that you keep your focus on Him.
§ Rejoice in the Lord and make positive confessions- Fear steal ones joy; it blinds one from seeing the good in anything such as people who has made a difference in the midst of the marital failures around. Bob Buess wrote, 5“The best way to deal with fear will be by rejoicing in the Lord and confessing aloud several times a day: “l am free. Jesus has set me free. I will not have any bondage.” You may name the problem you fear such as sickness, failure, poverty, accident, etc.” Permit me to add to the confession, marital failure.
§ Renew your mind- Do not accept the lies of the devil that all marriages are like the ones you know; there is no marriage without challenges, but the way the challenges are handled will determine if they will degenerate to fighting, a separation, or divorce. All marriages are not the same; do not conclude that they all are. Bob Buess wrote, 6“You are a product of your thoughts and actions from the day of birth. It is time to walk in Christ regardless of the pattern set by previous years of failure.”
Fear breeds inactiveness; inactiveness leads to lack of experience; and ignorance breeds fear.
John Maxwell
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Saturday, July 19, 2008
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