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Some singles make a decision to stay away from getting married due to...
Projects they have at hand- Some singles make a decision to remain single for a period of time because of the projects they have at hand. This project may be their academic career, etc, to avoid distractions.
Nature of their job- Some singles decide to delay making a commitment to getting married because of the nature of their job. Such job may involve a lot of traveling, coming home late in the night, etc. They therefore, postpone this decision until the time they feel they will be more available to the family they will raise after marriage.
Preparation for the future- Some singles decide not to get married until they have adequately prepared for the future, one of the reasons they give is that they do not want their children to go through the pain of not having enough that they went through when they were growing up.
Ageing- By the time some of these singles are ready, they will have been well over the age of being desired by the opposite sex they want to settle down with in marriage. Most singles want to get married to people of their age range or to people who are not too far from their age or less, in the case of the men.
Likelihood of infidelity from their spouse in the future- When a person becomes advanced in age, the drive for sexual pleasure is not as it used to be. Often these singles get married to people who are still active sexually, and if their partner is not faithful to the marriage vows, he/she may get involve sexually with someone younger to satisfy his/her sexual desire.
The way out
Prioritize your life- There is time for everything. Make the best use of the time you have now to do things that are absolutely necessary because there will come a time when you may not be able to do it again.
When it is time to get married and you have suitors calling for your attention, prayerfully decide, and settle down with one of them if the person is God's will for your life.
Do not worry about the future- There will be no time in your life that everything will be as perfect as you want them to be, you will always have needs, that is the reason that man will always need the help of God. Do not worry about the future, talk to God about it and take the step of faith required for you to get married.
The future is not the result of choices among alternatives both offered in the present. It is a place that is created- created first in the mind and will; created next in the activity.
Walt Disney
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